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Deckvest Vito Life Jacket | Polaris Yacht Supply


Keeping your crew safe is top priority. 


The Safety of Lives at Sea is vital for any seagoing merchant vessel or superyacht. That's why our comprehensive range of Life Saving Appliances has been specifically designed to protect you, your crew and your guests life should a life threatening situation arise onboard your superyacht. All the products in our range are SOLAS and MED approved to help you comply with MCA and Class regulations and your flag state. 


Whether you are looking for a full safety supply for your new build project or simply want to upgrade or replace your current safety and Life Saving Appliances  (LSA) onboard, we have the product for you. 


From lifejackets and life rafts to immersion suits flares and more, we can provide you with finest equipment available on the market. 

Polaris Precise | Polaris Yacht Supply
Spinlock Equipment| Polaris Yacht Supply

UK Manufacturer

Ocean Safety Equipment | Polaris Yacht Supply

UK Manufacturer


SOLAS Ocean Life Raft | Polaris Yacht Supply

Life Rafts

Ships Wheel SOLAS Life Rafts. Approved to the latest IMO SOLAS regulations. 

SOLAS Commercial Life Jacket | Polaris Yacht Supply

Life Jackets

Spinlock SOLAS lifejackets, Spinlock Deckvest 6D and Working/ Abandonment SOLAS lifejackets.

Immersion Suits

Intrepid MK8 non-insulated and Intrepid MK1 insulated Immersion Suits available.

Immersion Suits | Polaris Yacht Supply


Flare available include MCA Code of Practise Flare Packs, Bridge Packs, LED Flares and much more.

Yachting Flares | Polaris Yacht Supply

Life Saving Appliances Order Form

Choose your life saving appliance

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